Help fund Reclaiming Our Rights
Or send a chek to CRNMC
PO Box 1133 Ukiah, CA 95482-1133



Thanks for your interest in Measure S

         The Community Rights Network of Mendocino County is proud to present Measure S, the first community rights based ordinance in Mendocino County that, when passed, will establish a Community Bill of Rights that recognizes that power is inherent in the people of our county.  It is time for us to take the power back from corporations and special interest groups which have over time influenced state and federal governments to create laws which allow them special privileges that trump the ability for local communities to control resource extraction and minimize the power of the people to determine how their natural and inalienable rights are protected.  

            All people are born with the right to a life free from criminal trespass, and the ability to freely make choices for themselves so long as those choices do not infringe on another individual's rights.  In a free society, the function of government is to protect personal liberty from the imposition of those who would limit any individuals choices by forcing their will on another.  Though the US and California Constitutions are clear about this, we have seen a slow creep on the state and federal levels of corporate power determined to claim these rights, not for natural born human beings, but for state created entities which use this illegitimately attained power to impose the will of those few in control of these corporations on local communities for the purpose of circumventing local decision making for their benefit.

            Measure S states that our community has the right to self governance and recognizes that human rights are fundamental and unalienable.  Specifically, Measure S extends to Mendocino County residents the right to life by ensuring them access to clean water, free from chemical trespass resulting from the unconventional extraction of hydrocarbons, also known as “fracking.”

            Your non – tax deductible contribution to the Community Rights Network of Mendocino County will help to take the power back.  While many of us are well informed as to the power inherent in local communities to ensure the protection of the fundamental rights of its citizens as well as the danger the life, liberty and personal property fracking presents to Mendocino County residents, there is much work to be done in educating those in our community who do not yet understand this important issue and the power they have to protect themselves from those who would take advantage.  As the campaign ensues, the CRNMC needs to produce as much educational material as possible including yard signs, fliers, bumper stickers etc. as well as radio, TV and print ads, interviews, and speaking tours.

            With your help, we can create an empowered community fully capable of protecting our resources and creating a sustainable economic model for Mendocino County that will last for generations to come.  Thank you and “Yes on S!!!”    

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PO Box 1133 Ukiah, CA 95482-1133


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