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PO Box 1133 Ukiah, CA 95482-1133


Willits Town Hall

Willits' fifth Town Hall  Meeting May 18th from 4:00 to 6:00

Willits' fifth Town Hall  Meeting will take place May 18th from 4:00 to 6:00
at the Willits City  Council Chambers. The topic for discussion is "Our
Community Rights: What are  they? Are we losing them?"

Four people will make brief  presentations to help jumpstart the conversation:

        Karina McAbee  Cotler, a proponent of the Community Bill of Rights Anti-Fracking Ordinance;
        Charline Ford, local rancher and business woman;
        Lynn  Kennelly, Director of Willits Chamber of  Commerce;
        Margaret Koster, Co-chairperson of Mendocino County's Move  to Amend Coalition.

The public discussion will be  moderated by Carlin Diamond.
Community Events  Announcements will follow.

This is  a large and complex subject, involving a wide variety of essential
issues for  maintaining the kind of community we want. For example, we have
come to  depend on many services-government come to  depend on many service
boundaries. Now that the economy is going into austerity mode, how can  we
provide physical and mental health, quality education, and adequate food 
and housing for our community? How can we keep our water and air supply  clean
and healthy? Is there a way to strengthen our local economy, to  preserve
the unique beauty of our valley? With many communities facing  privatization of
what were once public resources, can we keep our resources  independent? How
can we resist corporate pressures?

This will be  Willits' last Town Hall until September. All residents of the
95490 community  are invited to attend and give their input on these
important issues. May  18th, 4:00 to 6:00 at the Willits City Council


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