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PO Box 1133 Ukiah, CA 95482-1133



Published on Nov 7, 2012 (5 minutes 19 seconds)

The national Community Rghts movement represents a local level cultural and legal strategy for communities, both conservative and progressive, it's not about ideology, to rein in corporate power.

If you're a single issue activist, as Paul Cienfeugos was for many years, using conventional methods, mostly regulation and protests, it's time to recognize corporate harms as merely symptoms of allowing corporations to claim constitutional "rights", sometimes referred to as corporate personhood. Join with Community Rights activists, be trained and guided, to pass enforceable laws that prohibit harms, by reigning in corporate "rights". Join 150 communities in eight states which have already done so.

Paul Cienfuegos offers his knowledge and expertise as a regional leader of the Community Rights movement. His email address is For a selection of Paul's writings, interviews, and speeches, and for more info on bringing Paul to your community or registering for an upcoming teleconference workshop, go to

Interview and filmed by Barry Heidt of Sustainability Action Media (SAM) with help of Ruth Ann Barrett of and Tom Hopkins of Sustainable Today in October, 2012.

The Democracy School (9 minutes 57 seconds)

Uploaded on Mar 10, 2009

An effective training for communities to exercise local governance by passing ordinances to protect their environments from being destroyed by outside corporations. This schooling has helped hundreds of towns and municipalities to take control of their communities to successfully resist corporate "personhood" by educating and uniting people into true democratic action.

Published on Mar 1, 2013 (3 minutes 45 seconds)



Published on Mar 27, 2013 (2 minutes 20 seconds)


This video answers the question "What is fracking?" and explains the dangers of fracking and what your community can do to stop it. To learn more visit:

This video comes to you from the Community Rights program at Global Exchange, an international human rights organization dedicated to promoting social, economic and environmental justice since 1988.

Global Exchange is a 501c3 registered non-profit changing the rules across the globe from a profit-centered global economy to thriving people-centered local economies; from the politics of greed to a living democracy that respects the rights of workers and nature; and from currency to community.

Published on Sep 3, 2013 (5 minutes 3 seconds)

Fracking explained in five minutes.

Fracking is a controversial topic. On the one side the gas drilling companies, on the other citizen opposed to this drilling method. Politicians are also divided on the matter.
We try to take a neutral look on fracking. It is relevant for all of us, because of high prices for energy and the danger for our drinking water.
This video focuses mostly on the debate currently ongoing in europe. In a lot of european countries there is a public outcry against fracking, espacially in germany. But the facts in this video are relevant to all of us.

 (58 minutes 12 seconds)

Published on Sep 12, 2013
Thomas Linzey explains exactly why the constitution is not what people are talking about when they say "constitution", they mean the bill of rights, which had to be rammed down the throats of the "founding fathers" by the people.

The constitution protects the wealthy few from democracy actually and was designed that way from the very beginning.


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